What is TCM?
Welcome to the world of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) - which by the way - is not actually a medicine, but an umbrella of many different practices: Acupuncture, Acupressure, Chinese Herbal Medicine, Tai Chi, and dietary therapy. TCM medicine dates back to more than 4,000 years, it is rooted in the ancient philosophy of Taoism. For those of you not familiar with the basics of Traditional Chinese Medicine, head to our Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine (FAQ) post here.
So what is a TCM diagnosis?
1. First, a pulse check.
When you go to chinese medicine practitioner, there is usually a touching of the wrist to find your pulse. This not only tells the tcm practitioner if your blood circulation is good or not (is your skin warm or cold?) but also, how strong is your pulse (does your body deliver nutrients well?) Learn more about what the pulse says about you, here.
2. Next, a tongue diagnosis so get ready to say AAAHH.
As grimy as this might feel, looking at your tongue in the mirror is something that really helps understand what's going in your body, today. There is an entire ancient repository of tongue patterns that help your TCM practitioner understand what's going on, so don't be afraid. Stick it out!
3. Then, some personal questions about you - how's your juju? and stool? what about your sleeping/eating habits? stressed out?
The good thing is, you've noticed something seems to be off and a quick fix isn't going to do fo the trick. Your acupuncturist will want to know your entire medical history, and any dietary practices you have. And finally, what are you dealing with? TCM is very holistic. For example, when treating headache, your doctor won't look at your head. So spill the beans! Tell us everything and we can help you understand what's going on. If you are looking for in-person chinese medicine NYC, check out Dr. Sun here. If you are looking for a virtual consult in chinese medicine, you can also book a wellness session with Jennifer Sun here.
Ok, are you still with me?
Next, let's talk about common forms of treatment. Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine.
Acupuncture needles are placed on specific Acupuncture Points - designated sites along the skin where the channels of Qi (vital life source) come closest to the surface of the body. These points are stimulated with microthing needles which are inserted to unblock and improve the circulation of Qi and Blood.
This is especially helpful when Qi gets stuck - which commonly happens as a result of to stress, sleep deprivation, surgery pain, etc.
Do the needles hurt? No - these needles are microthin and the only thing you feel is some pressure under the skin. For more on what is Acupuncture, head to our Traditional Chinese Medicine (FAQ) post here.
So for the moment, just lay back, relax, and let all of the Qi flow.
After 45minutes or so, you may feel wobbly or suddenly tired. That's okay - you've just released a lot of tension, block stagnant energy, and your vessels are now flowing much freely.
Next, chinese medicine herbs. What do they do?
Depending on your current balance (or in-balance), Chinese Herbal Blends are designed to focus on the health of Qi, Moisture, and Blood. Taking a truly holistic approach, each blend is comprised of various herbs, each addressing more than just one part of your body.
And if you went to acupuncture with a friend, don't expect to have the same - why? Because your unique body has it's own stuff going on, but the herbs can balance you, just in the way YOU need! While truly magical, these herbal blends also taste very bitter. These plants are here to work.
Lucky for you, modern chinese medicine saves you some work. Traditional Chinese Medicine herbs are now available in easy-to consume formats such as herbal balls or pills, to dissolvable powders. The modern approach to TCM herbs saves a bunch of time and from the gut-wrenching bitter taste too!
What are the benefits of Chinese Medicine?
Many people who suffer from chronic health conditions approach us with questions on
- traditional chinese medicine for fertility
- chinese medicine for weight loss
- natural remedies for stress management
- herbal medicine for hormonal imbalance
or are simply looking for a holistic TCM diagnosis to help better manage health conditions that Western medicine can't seem to tackle.
By taking a holistic and personalized approach with natural remedies and traditional Chinese medicine herbs, TCM is really one of the most holistic and ancient rooted health practices that continues to help solve the common ailments now seen in the modern ways of life.